

The energy sector is certainly one of the key areas for the development of new technologies and applications, and certainly in the last twenty years has seen a constant drive to find alternative forms of energy production and heat, as well as to continually refine and improve the efficiency of "classic" production plants, such as hydroelectric plants or coal plants. The application of the range of INOX RIVA products is suitable in all the different technologies of production of electrical energy which are summarized below: In Hydroelectric power plants our quick couplings, our fittings and valves are used on turbines – model Francis, Pelton, Kaplan or Cross flow – on mobile bulkheads and on water deviation systems; Our products in power plants are applied to steam turbines, as well as on Turbogas machines, for example in control systems for diverters; In Solar energy plants, our products are found on the orientation lines of the photovoltaic panels, on the tracking systems and mirrors and on the power lines and the cooling of dry air; even in Wind Power Plants a part of our range of products is found mainly on control systems and positioning of the wind turbines; Finally, we point out the emerging field of Sea Energy where the application of stainless steel components is essential for the construction of the machines applied to it.

Oil & Gas

The world of oil and gas represents one of the aereas where the whole family of INOX RIVA’s products find direct or non-direct applications in the system lines, assembled and used on the machines and devices for regulation and control. Basically, you can consider two main divisions of Oil & Gas: On-Shore and Off-Shore. Usually On-Shore applications regard the construction of refining plants and storage, of primary chemical plants, and connection and distribution lines of oil and natural gas, the so-called pipelines, which require compression stations, control and reduction. A significant application for our products is on the control of the actuators. Off-Shore applications are mainly related to the construction and management of the platforms for the extraction and all the innumerable activities connected therewith, such as the construction of special vessels for the laying of underwater pipelines or construction of test systems in accordance with the strictest anti-explosion regulations.

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